The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Welcome to a new regular feature here on Eveoganda. I finally decided to wrap the wrap-ups into a common theme, so every so often I'll take a look back at the events of the past few days and summarize them for you. Good fights, Bad fights and the downright ugly things that happen in Eve.

While this killmail looks a bit like a gank it was actually far from it. I'd been chasing this Arbi around for awhile in system and finally caught him in one of the belts. The significance for me was what I was flying. I'd been trying for almost three days to get a fight in my new Talwar without success. I was anxious to see how the ship would do. So I got point and Kmang in his Condor came over to help me hold point while I killed his drones. I had to warp off, and by this point on comms the rest of the Tuskers smelled blood. I warped off to the Sun, meaning to dock afterwards and get some repairs since I was on fire. Kmang lost point and the Arbi warped off... to the Sun!! Yeah, he landed right on top of me! So, on fire and deep into structure, I got point once more and then everyone showed up to finish the job. Robert got a little carried away with the Proteus.

Right off the bat, missioning in Hevrice isn't the world's best idea. There are Tuskers everywhere! Not watching d-scan for probes and then dual tanking a Brutix are also not genius moves. I was in my Comet for this one because we'd been chasing a Comet earlier. That's how I roll. Good kill, but bad decisions on the target's part.

Yeah I lost my Sacrilege yesterday and it wasn't pretty. Chased a Caracal to a station in system and engaged him, trying to pop him before he docked. ( I didn't ) When this do-gooder Tengu pilot landed and pointed me. I had no choice but to go for it. In a normal situation I feel confident this one would go under the "good" category, this wasn't a normal situation and the Sentry Guns proved to be more than the ship could handle with the Tengu shooting me. The Tengu only did 6k damage.

Yes I'm putting a ship loss into the good column and for good reason. I almost solo'd a Vexor in a Condor!! I've done it before but so much of the success of doing it remains on both pilots, how the ships are fit and the skill of the fight. Killing a Vexor with a Condor means riding the razor's edge and you'll both probably end up on fire. This was an epic fight and came down to the wire. My mistake was not shooting his drones earlier. But three rounds of missiles and three rounds of ASB charges and they finally caught me during the last re-load. Good fight.

Even Tuskers lose their patience. And while this chase started off with us in Frigates, several attempts to point a double stabbed ship can leave you rather angry. So when said ship decides to dock up, well can you really blame us?

This one starts off with another Condor loss, but it is always the story and not the killmail. I found a Cormorant, Comet and Merlin outside an Acceleration Gate in system. I warped in to see what they were doing and decided this might be a great opportunity to get three really nice kills. I wanted to get the Comet first, but he was holding back and the Cormorant came out to meet me. So I killed the Cormorant. The other two stuck around and this took some tricky flying which was going extremely well for me until the Merlin finally managed to sneak up behind me and get me scrammed and webbed.
Good fight though.

There really isn't anything I can add to this mess.

Y'know that moment when your platted Zealot warps really really slowly and falls behind the rest of the gang just as a huge blob of nasty enemy ships jumps into system from a Titan bridge and puts bubbles up in your path? Yeah, me too.

The rest falls into Tusker FFA which is a whole different story. And that is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.