The video above is from Dredastttarm and shows the Domi kill from yesterday's post beginning at around 18:18 or so. The rest of the video is excellent as well and you can see more of his work at his channel.
Stay Frosty is about a month old and membership is holding steady at around the 65-70 range. We're beginning to see some of the initial enthusiasm members moving on to other pastures and new people coming on board to take their place. This is all part of the normal cycle. The success or failure of a new Corporation is written in the first three months and it is a cycle that has a very familiar cadence.
The explosion of enthusiasm that follows the initial announcement, the flurry of activity - moving, settling, getting to know everyone - and then the reality of day to day play. Good or bad, the initial energy gets diverted. "Enthusiasm members" are those that get swept up by that activity and expect in-game life to continue that way forever. Which is impossible. But that's ok, everyone plays for different reasons and far be it for me to judge anyone.
The key element is developing and building a strong Corporation is the Core. The Core group either develops a cohesion or withers on the vine. This is an unpredictable process that can not be forced, but only guided. If we come together as a group then we will succeed, no matter the odds. If not, well then it'll just be me flying solo eventually. I don't think that is going to happen however, I have seen the extremely encouraging Core springing to life.
You can watch this process unfold by watching the new Corporation's killboard. The flurry, excitement and activity of the early days is marked by lots of death and destruction. Learning new systems, new pilots, new enemies, new opportunities results in a heavier than usual reliance on risk/reward. This is also normal. We all do it. But as things settle down, pilots begin to know one another and trust one another, the killboard begins to settle down. And slowly, but surely, the numbers begin to rise.
I am extremely encouraged by our pilots. There is an exceptional Core present here surrounded by an enthusiastic group of pilots that I believe we can count on to continue building something special together.
It is still early and we have much work ahead of us. But I could not be happier with the way things have gone.
There are few feelings in all of Eve as awesome as refreshing the killboard in the morning when I wake up and seeing how busy Stay Frosty has been. That is a great feeling.
As always, if you are interested in being Frosty, join our in-game channel EVEOGANDA. Everyone is welcome.