Eve Rule #42: The only way to have an active Corp in Eve is to be active in your Corp.
I've been running Stay Frosty for a year, eight months and twenty days as of today. Some of my younger readers may not be aware that I've been involved in various Corporation and Alliance leadership roles since I started playing Eve. From Null Sec, to Industry, to Sov Holders, Gankers, Mercs and beyond - I've been involved in one way or another with just about all of it.
In that time thousands of players have passed in and out of Corporations I've been involved with. Just in Stay Frosty alone I estimate we've seen about one thousand players pass thru our doors in almost two years. And far and away the biggest reason people give for leaving is "Activity". Some variation on that theme is the primary reason people give for leaving a Corporation. At least in my experience.
Granted, an active Corporation is much better than an in-active one. And everyone's judgement about what makes an active Corporation is going to be different. I'm not here today to debate what is and or isn't an active Corporation. I'm here today to give you a glimpse into the other side of that equation. A glimpse into what your leadership might be thinking about what you just said. Or, at least, what I've heard other leaders say and what I've said myself from time to time.
You see, the truth is - the person leaving because of activity? They are not active players. I know this is probably going to hurt some feelings, but it is the truth. In general, those leaving don't have very many posts on the forums. They don't respond to emails. They don't join in on chat channels. They rarely x up for fleets or gangs. Or jump on opportunities that happen while they are on-line. They are usually the quiet ones. And yet, when pressed, they will be the first to say, "I wish we had more fleets.", or "We need more FCs".
Of course we do. Every Corporation in Eve struggles with this problem. Even Stay Frosty struggles with this problem. I'm the first to admit it. We are not perfect either. But where do fleets and gangs and opportunities and FCs come from? Where does activity derive? No mystery here, there is only ONE place - from YOU!
And that is why Rule #42 rings true. Because it is. The only way to have an active Corporation is for YOU to be active in your Corporation. Your leaders will love you for it. Your Corp mates will love you for it. And soon, others will take your example and become more active as well. And before you know it, you'll be in an insanely active Corporation. Surrounded by people just like you, that are driven to engage. Create content. And generally get off their ass and do stuff together.
One problem with Corporations like Stay Frosty is people like me. And I've seen this in other Corporations as well. When one person is the focal point the tendency is to rely on that person to generate content. Which they happen to excel at. However, they are only one person. And when they are not active, or not generating content, the tendency is to simply log-off. It's a lot like a Traffic Jam. One person at the head of the line lightly taps on their brakes, the person behind them does the same, and eventually - down the line - traffic comes to a complete stop.
I can't possible generate enough content to keep 200 people happy, much less 500+ Alliance players. It is impossible. I have a career, a family, friends, hobbies, projects, and an endless list of things that Eve is a part of - but not always a priority of. We all do. So relying on me is a silly proposition.
You should be relying on no one but yourself. And it doesn't take much. Just like the Traffic Jam, Corporation activity works the opposite way. A little movement makes a huge difference.
Make a difference in your Corporation or Alliance. Be the type of player you want others to be. And before long you will be surrounded by those players. And if it doesn't work where you are, those other players? They will follow you to the next place.
Engage. Eve is a much, much better game when you do.