As revealed today on this community post, the above poster set from yours truly will be available for purchase at Fanfest! I honestly wasn't sure if CCP was going to say anything ahead of time or not, but I've obviously been working on this project with them for about three months or so now.
I hope everyone reading this can appreciate how hard it has been to keep my mouth shut about this. lol. And to all of you that have written me during that time asking for prints, or access to prints, I hope you can now appreciate my vague and sometimes frustrating responses. I had every intention of, as always, making my work available to the larger community. But as this series gained in popularity and exposure CCP showed an interest in exploring ways in which we could work together to bring them to the even larger community - and in a quality befitting our own passion for Eve Online.
I'm extremely excited about this project. I will be presenting about Eve Fan Art at Fanfest and attending a Roundtable with others, including Andrew Groen, about Fan Art and Merchandising Eve with CCP. I believe CCP Spitfire will also be attending that roundtable. My presentation is essentially going to be about the community of creatives we are trying to build using Slack and about the journey that led to these posters. If you are attending Fanfest I hope you will attend the presentations and roundtable.
I also plan on being available each day in the Store area to sign posters and meet with anyone that wants to talk with me about them. I don't have a schedule for those appearances, but I'm going to do my best to make myself available as much as possible.
What happens after Fanfest and will these be available to those not attending? Those are both excellent questions and I can tell you that, if the reaction is what I believe it will be, plans are in the works to offer high-quality prints on-line to the entire universe of Eve fans. And potentially expand the offering in other exciting ways.
This truly is a great example of how committed CCP is to reaching out to the larger community, and I believe it can stand as a cornerstone for even more opportunities for synergy between them and their fans in the future. (I used synergy in a sentence!!) Many thanks to Alexey, Torfi, Manifest, Erlendur and all of those at CCP that helped bring this project to reality.
I'm excited and can't wait to meet you all at Fanfest.