CCP Seagull sits in front of my posters and says some things.
Ok, she did warn us in the last video that things would be churning along. So we should have been prepared. But, I must admit, some of these things have taken even me by surprise.
• New Exploration Frigate that can find Ice Belts. Pretty cool. More things to shoot at.
• New Destroyers that use a area of effect MJD that jumps the ships nearby also? Whoa, that is pretty weird. And potentially awesome new gameplay. I think I like it.
• RUST!! 'Nuff said. This one I saw at Fanfest and have been waiting for, but still I love the idea.
• KILLMARKS!! My personal favorite thing ever, next to WCS being limited to Indy and Trans ships. (Finger's crossed)
• New Explosions!
• Missile Disruptors!! (Been a long time, but these are a welcome addition.)
• Falloff for neuts and RR, makes sense to me!
You can read all about these and more for yourself over at the brand new Update Site, which is awesome.
I'm just getting back to normal here at the Eveoganda World Headquarters, we had a week from Hell last week. So I'm sure I'll have more about all of this in the coming days and weeks.
The next person that tells me Eve is dying gets a boot to the head.