Watch [PLEX 4 GOOD] Officer Hawk patrols the streets of New Eden from IthicaHawk on
My good friend Ithica Hawk invited me to participate in his stream in order to raise awareness for the Plex For Good campaign to help raise donations to help with the Australian Wildfires. Of course I said yes and our entire Alliance jumped at the chance to help out.
We don't normally fleet up in super expensive overly blingy ships, but given that this was for charity our pilots responded and we undocked some wickedly Pirate themed bling ships for the effort. Yesterday morning I recorded some role-playing audio tracks that Ithica could use during the event (which caused my Wife to seriously re-consider her life choices.) and off we went.

When it comes to events like this, which are aimed at helping real world situations, my opinion has always been - risk it all or go home. Which is sorta the Stay Frosty motto. In the end we are playing a video game and somethings are more important. We left our home base with about 26 or so pilots in fleet and I think we ended up losing everyone along the way. But this is Eve and she only laughs at our plans.
I personally donated a Nightmare and a Bhaalgorn to the effort. Both worth about 4b in total. And I know that wasn't even the most that we ended up donating to the space gods. But I also know that we all had a blast doing it together and I hope everyone on our end had a great time. These types of events don't come along very often.
We also managed to get in on killing a Ninazu and a Hel, so there is also that. I ended up getting on about 15b worth of kills in the effort, so from that perspective it was totally worth it. And in all other respects I believe it was totally worth it. A bit of good natured Eve fun.
The campaign for Plex For Good has ended and we await news of just how much we were able to collect. I personally donated 1,000 Plex on behalf of Stay Frosty and A Band Apart, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how much this community was able to generate.
I was also able to destroy whatever so-called "evidence" the Police thought they had and remain free to fight the good fight for the freedom of Low Sec.