I Can't Breathe

I know this is a gaming magazine. But it has been a week since I lasted posted in these pages and I think you deserve to know why. I took a break after the FFA last weekend because putting something like that on and having it be successful is exhausting. Although much less exhausting than it has been in the past and that is thanks to all the amazing support and help from my Alliance mates. So thanks once again.

I also took a break because we are having a lot of work done on our home out here in the real world. And much of that needed more guidance and supervision than normally. So that took a considerable amount of time away from the computer. That is only going to continue pretty much through the end of Summer, especially with Steel City Eve coming up in July. More on that event tomorrow.

And then, of course, the world went nuts during my break.

And no, I'm not going to pontificate here in these pages. But frankly events out here in the real world have me concerned. And not really in the frame of mind for video games. 

Tomorrow I will have an announcement regarding our upcoming Eve player meet, Steel City V.

So stay tuned.