This morning I sent out an Alliance wide message regarding the impact that the Coronavirus and unrest have had around the globe. My message was simple - Eve is not a priority right now. Do whatever you have to do to keep yourself, your family, and those close to you safe and provided for. Our Alliance, and Eve, will be here when you have time. Real life, now more than ever, is more important than internet spaceships.
The second part of my message was, I think, just as important. Stay connected to your Alliance friends on Discord and on other platforms. You are not alone and your spaceship family is here for you if you need to share, talk, or just share jokes and memes. I don't want anyone in our Alliance, or in the greater Eve community, to feel isolated or alone. Whatever else happens in our lives we all share one very important and ever-lasting connection - this crazy game of ours. And that will never change.
This year is nuts. I know from my own perspective that the things I was looking forward to this year - traveling to Iceland for Fanfest, traveling with Eve nerds and my family to the Baltic, Eve North, Eve New Orleans, Steel City Eve - all have been swept away. That's devastating. Add to that the continued worry about the virus, the state of the world, our insane leadership, and the stresses of jobs, not seeing family, being trapped (in so many ways) - this is a challenging time for all of us.
So just be aware that your friends and foes are feeling it as well. Be as supportive as you can be. Understanding and empathy go a long way.
That's all. That's not just a message to my Alliance, but a message to all of us.
This is one fight we can't win solo. We need each other.
PS: Broadcast4Reps