Check out the very first Community Beat here.
Back in early September CCP Dopamine contacted me to see if I'd be interested in working on a new project involving the Eve community. Of course I said yes. And when I learned more about the project I became even more excited. CCP Swift also became involved and together we worked on refining the general concept into something that both made sense and could work across multiple platforms.
I'd like to say that all the really great ideas came from me, but in truth I was inspired several times by ideas from various sources. And I freely admit my first few stabs at something were less than inspiring. But that is the process. And when you are in the midst of a collaboration, it can take time to refine and hone the concept. And, in the end, I think the result is something that everyone involved can take credit in. It truly was a great collaboration. So thanks to Dopamine, Swift, and the unknown (to me) members of the Art Team helping out in the background.
So a huge part of this is a vast wall of community logos that form the background. I spent a lot of time on this and gave it a lot of thought. I wanted it to be as representative as possible, conveying both the current and historical nature of this community both in-game and out. It needed to include NPCs, Corps, Alliances, Blogs, Streaming, podcasts - and more. That isn't as easy of a task as you might think. For one thing, some aspects of our community don't actually have "logos" to represent them. Like #tweetfleet for example. So, in cases like that one, I cheated a bit and used the words.
Here is the wallpaper with everything else removed: