Let's assume you've never attended one of our Frigate Free 4 All events in the past and you are wondering if you should attend. Or you are not sure about what is happening, what to do when you get there, or what it is all about. This post is all about the mechanics behind the event, what will most likely be happening, and how you can participate. So let's get started.
First of all, anyone can attend. Young or old players are welcome. We've designed the ships so that players of all ages and experience can fly them. In fact, CCP has been kind enough to institute a Skill Plan this weekend so that all pilots can grab the skills needed to fly ALL of the Frigates! Which is just amazing. So you have no excuses when it comes to grabbing a FREE ship and undocking in it. This is the entire idea behind this event, for everyone to experience PvP with as many people as possible, to have fun, and feel what it is like to have hundreds of ships in space at the same time. I would argue, especially after the last two years, that we all need something like this right now. Bring your friends, make new ones. And enjoy the day.
Watch local chat. We will be making announcements all day during the event to help you navigate. We will be telling you where to go to pick up your ships, what special events are happening and where, and more. So keep your eyes on local chat at all times. You can also report any suspicious activity there as well. Alert your fellow pilots to targets of interest. And follow along so you don't miss anything. Local chat is important, so be sure to have it open.
This is also where we identify who is currently handing out ships and in which structure. We hand ships out from our own structures so that you can take advantage of tethering, which cuts down on station camping for everyone. Dock in the designated structure and open a trade window with one of our pilots who is docked with you and they will give you some ships to use. It is that easy. But be patient, we have a lot of ships to hand out and a lot of people to hand them off to. So just be aware that it is insanely busy.
More than likely most people will tend to bunch up on the structure, but I recommend warping off to other points of interest and spreading things out a bit. Special events will be happening everywhere in system, and not just in one spot. Plus you can have smaller encounters at other spots, rather than fighting in the big blob. Although that can also be a lot of fun. Do whatever you feel like.
What is a "special event"? Last year I brought a Naglfar out for a fun bash in one of the asteroid belts. We had Orcas show up, Revelations, and much, much more. This year will be no different, as we have lots planned across the entire six hours of the event. Obviously we do not announce the when and where ahead of time, this is Eve after all. So they happen without warning. But this might be your best chance to get on a juicy killboard changing kill! Other groups will also be participating and bringing special event ships and fleets into local at various times, so be on the lookout for those as well. Who knows what might happen?
As always we do ask that podding be avoided. This just ruins someones time at the event. This means no smartbombs! Any smartbombers will be reported and dealt with rather harshly, so please don't be that person. You will have plenty of opportunities to score kills, there is no need to be a dick about it. Not podding means that person can jump into another ship even faster. We also frown on burst jammers by the way. Don't use them.
In the end there is nothing else like this in all of Eve. Last year over 12,000 ships exploded in just four hours! This year's event has been expanded to six hours and we have more than double the amount of ships to hand out! So yeah, it is going to be nuts. But there is no place where you can have this experience other than here. So enjoy it. Have fun. Laugh at your death, your victories, and that poor CCP Dev you managed to kill. Or that famous streamer. Or that Pirate Lord fella who writes that blog.
And remember this is still Eve Online. Crazy things will happen. Over the years of doing this I've learned one thing - you can't control the chaos. All you can do is embrace it. We can't control everything. But I know that players love this event, our team is ready, the ships are all ready, and we'll all experience it as it happens - together.
And after the last two years, I think we all deserve to have some fun.
I hope to see you in space on Saturday. 16:00 to 22:00 in Ouelletta. Let's break some records!