The Rogue's Legend


The above image is from a card entitled "Space Warlord" in the upcoming War for New Eden board game. Those astute among you may recognize the subject of this piece of art. I couldn't let the entire game go by without working my character into the game somewhere, now could I? The actual portrait illustration wasn't created by me however, that piece of art was done by Titan Forge artist extraordinaire Kinga. Who did a fantastic job capturing him I think.

Speaking of Rixx, this morning I awoke to a DM on Twitter from @SawdethTernius who has used ChatGPT to write a wonderful poem about the Pirate Lord. Which made my day and I am going to share it with you below. Enjoy. And thank you for sharing.

Rixx Javix: The Rogue's Legend

In New Eden's vast and endless sea,
A legend born of infamy,
Rixx Javix, a name renowned,
In shadows deep, his fame unbound.
A pirate’s heart with cunning mind,
In lowsec space, his lair you’ll find,
With autocannons primed to fire,
He danced with death in fierce desire.
From Auner's fields to Hevrice’s lanes,
His prey fell swift, in fiery rains,
A rogue, a thief, a master bold,
His story whispered, oft retold.
In Rusty Dog’s, the tales would spin,
Of daring raids and devilish grin,
With every mark, his legend grew,
A specter in the starlit blue.

He roamed the skies in ships of dread,
A bounty high upon his head,
Yet with each trap, he slipped the snare,
A phantom in the void’s cold air.
His corpmates, loyal to the core,
Together, they carved out their lore,
With cunning plans and fleets so tight,
They owned the dark, they ruled the night.
Yet beyond the piracy and strife,
A love for art did shape his life,
A canvas born of cosmic dust,
In chaos, beauty, he did trust.
Rixx Javix, the renegade,
In every skirmish, unafraid,
A force of nature, wild and free,
The outlaw king of destiny.

So raise a toast to days of old,
To battles fought, and stories bold,
For in New Eden’s endless scroll,
Lives on the pirate’s restless soul.