Confusing Pirates


While a Pirate lives by a Code we are not bound by the rules. A Pirate doesn't care about what you think a Pirate should be, or how one should act, or what we choose to do with our ships. Or our play-time. A Pirate plays the game the way they choose to play the game. And conducts themselves the way they choose to conduct themselves. In Stay Frosty those actions are guided by our own Pirate Code. And I can tell you right now you will never meet a group of nicer players in all of Eve Online than those flying the Stay Frosty banner. But do not confuse that with what happens inside of the game. Our pilots are hunters, thieves, and experts at the martial arts of Player Versus Player combat. They will hunt you.

First of all you should know that "Fairness" doesn't exist. There is nothing fair about Eve Online. If you undock your ship all the rules are off and your only protections are the inherent rules of game-play built into the game - the same as everyone else in space. And your own cleverness, instincts, and experiences. You, and you alone, are the ultimate repository of your own fate. Last week I screwed up really, really badly in two fights in two days. I screwed up so badly I wanted to kick myself. What I didn't do was cry about it to the other person in the fight, or complain about it on Reddit, or demand CCP fix something, or even post about it in these pages. (Until now, but no specifics!) Eve is not fair and she will humble even the best of us from time to time.

I fucked up. I died. End of story.

Secondly, just because someone else doesn't play the game the way you play the game - doesn't make the other person wrong. It only makes you narrow-minded. You see the harsh reality of Eve is that it doesn't care what artificial mandates you try to impose on it might be. It doesn't care at all. Eve just is. And those of us who understand that reality, embrace that reality, and exploit that reality - we're just better at Eve than you are. It's pretty simple. We also are having much more fun.

A Pirate chooses to not only embrace those realities but also bend them to their will. We are the chaos. Our entire choice makes no sense. The game is not built to favor us, in fact it is actively trying to ruin our game-play. And recent changes and additions, like pirate faction insurgencies, have only made our game-play even more difficult and challenging. Now our environment is even more complicated and organized than it used to be. Which is, sadly, why independent minded chaos agents like those that fly in Stay Frosty - are a dying breed.

And yes I get tired of having to explain this over and over again to someone I've just exploded and taken their loot. Or the angry people in local. Or whoever else feels entitled to question our actions or why we do something a certain way. We do not owe you an explanation and we certainly have no need to justify our existence. We are Pirates. We answer to no one but ourselves.

One too many convos this week. Rant over.