The Frog Pond


Former Stay Frosty pilot and my space friend No'vac asked me if I would say a few words about his corporation The Frog Pond since they are going to be celebrating their one-year anniversary here in a week or so. Of course and I'm happy to do so. It has been great watching his pilots form and find their way in Faction Warfare over the past year. Low Security space works best when there are lots of solid groups reaching players under a wide variety of niches, play-styles, and goals and The Frog Pond has grown into one of the more active and thriving FW groups over the past year. 

Almost exactly a year a go, the Gallente Militia faced a major problem - being outmanned by the Caldari, they barely held the few systems they called home. So an idea was born - a cross-organizational project to start a corporation catering to young and returning players interested in learning the arts of PvP. Given that Galmil pilots are colloquially known as Frogs, on 8th October 2023 "the Frog Pond" was founded, hoping to guide the tadpoles to glory. As with many group projects, out of about twelve initially involved, only three decided to dive in and truly commit to the project - an ex-SF director kicked for being bad influence, a new-bro interested in doing anything that was NOT Faction Warfare, and a master of spreadsheets who was still pretty new to the PvP side of things. 

Despite their differences, or maybe because of them, they built a home for players of all backgrounds and interests. Whether a newcomer taking his first fights, or a returning veterans interested in leading small gangs, we welcomed them all. With the motto of "Frog around and find out", we allowed our members (and ourselves) to pursue whatever activity or ideas they thought could be fun. That's how 3 months in, before having any real infrastructure or numbers to back it up, we ended up with an Astrahus that became our wormhole campus.

Today you will see the "Pond" is less applicable than it once was - what started as 3 guys with a lot of drive and very little experience, turned into something else entirely. We started our own alliance (fittingly called RIBBIT), which quickly grew into the vanguard of the Federation Navy, consistently topping the FW kill-boards. Plucky atrons were replaced with faction cruisers, and our fleets grew from a rag-tag bunch of newbies to coordinated efforts contesting objectives across the region. But despite the rapid growth, and changes in the leadership, we stayed true to our roots - and we still welcome all players with open arms, and the atrons are still being stocked for free in the corp hangars so that no matter what, you can always hop straight into action. And that little Astrahus is still chugging along. The Frog Pond is a corporation focusing on bringing both new and returning players to low-sec PvP by using Factional Warfare as both content and income generator. We offer:

Free ships for newcomers

LP buyback program so that you can build up your wallet

Organized fleet content

Industry and WH for those wanting to try other aspects of Eve


Complimentary green Frog Suit

To learn more about The Frog Pond please join their Discord.