Algos Swarm


If you spend any time at all in Low Security FW space it won't be long before you notice a disturbing trend. Eventually you'll pop into a system and see a dozen or more characters with almost the exact same name all flying the exact same ship, together, in a plex. Most commonly they will be in Algos (or however you say Algoses, Algosi, whatever), but they could also be in Thrashers, or Vexors, or even Arbitrators. These multi-boxing fleets are everywhere in LS.

Now it can be easy to label these all as bot accounts, or multi-boxing accounts. And that is often true. But a surprising number of them are also a mixture of those activities. Several multi-boxing accounts running multiple ships, or extras tagging along behind a small number of bots. And, in some rare cases, actual pilots joining bigger fleets for speed, safety, and convenience. Whatever the specific make-up of each fleet, the end result is the same - these mono-fleets are a scourge on our space.

These fleets can eat a lot of plex and make it impossible for those looking to enjoy Factional Warfare game-play an equal opportunity. This is min/max on a massive scale and it is seriously disrupting the balance of power inside of the game. And it showcases problems with the system that is built around our sandbox. And it needs to be dealt with.

Those of us in the business of destruction are trying to adapt. On Monday we detected a fleet of 10 Algos in a system close to our home and decided to do something about it. Luckily, in this case, the fleet was not made up of bots that simply warp away when trouble arrives. And they decided to stay and fight. As you can imagine 10 Algos make for a strong drone sniping combination. The individual ships are not well fitted, but with the lows full of Drone Damage mods, that ball of Warrior IIs puts out a lot of damage. In the end we managed to destroy them all, but it was more costly than I'd have liked. For my own part I got caught up in the slaughter and didn't notice my cap was gone and lost my Bellicose. 

To be clear - there is nothing wrong with a group of actual players forming up and flying the same ships in a fleet to devour anything in this game. We do it all the time. Everyone does. This is normal.

But that is not what is going on in most of these instances. And until something changes, we'll just keep trying to blow them up as often as we can. What else can we do?