Broken Asteroid Belt Tracking!


For the past month I have been submitting bug reports about an annoying development in the arcane field of Player Versus Player conflict. There are, after all, a few tools that we rely on hundreds of times a day in order to make PvP actually function. The d-scanner is one. Tracking is another. Tracking is that super helpful thing that happens when you select an object or destination in space and your ship camera rotates to face that object or destination. It's super helpful. When it works. It isn't working.

Oh it works for everything in the game - structures, gates, planets, plex, pretty much everything - except asteroid belts. Right now if you select an asteroid belt your camera spins off into a random direction and you are faced with frustratingly searching the sky for the belt. Oh sure, you can try using the tactical camera to see the tiny, wittle white line that comes out of your ship - unless you happen to be in a bright system or close to the Sun, in which case you can't see anything but searing white heat.

So if you happen to out hunting and notice someone in a belt - good luck. Especially if you are in a system with 15 million belts in local. I don't know if this is on purpose or if something broke about a month ago, but whatever the case may or may not be - it needs to be corrected.

I really do not like having to call things like this out on the blog - but I've tried everything else and nothing has happened. For players like myself who rely on the few meager tools we have to hunt our engagements, this functionality is critical. And right now, it is really frustrating that it isn't working properly.

Please fix this.