On January 19 Eveoganda will be 15 years old. I've been writing in these pages for fifteen years now, have written over 3,000 posts and been visited by over 5 million readers in that time. Despite the constant news that blogging is dead this site still pulls 20,000 or more visitors each and every month. On average we get 21,500 visitors each month this year alone to be specific. Which doesn't sound dead to me.
The past year was dominated by news, updates, and art from the board game project. War For New Eden will be released in and around March 2025 to those that backed the project over on Kickstarter. I'm extremely anxious for everyone to finally get their hands on this insanely great game and see for themselves all the work we put into it. No one is more excited than I am! You can see all the digital proofs, PDFs, jpegs, and photos you want - but until it is in your hands... that's when it finally feels real.
This past year I was honored to be the recipient of the most massively fruitless effort in Eve's history to ruin a single players killboard. The fine folks over at a certain alliance decided to spend an incredible amount of energy to collect, transport, and then destroy over 15,000 shuttles that had been transferred into my name. Effectively dumping 15k+ losses onto my killboard. Exploiting a notch in the game code that allows for such shenanigans, they had to sit and watch as every single one of them vanished off my killboard like they never even existed in the first place. When the dust settled it was like it never happened. In even more ludicrous news the entire incident goes back almost 15 years ago to a small, almost forgotten incident (to me at least) over a broken 1v1. True story. Eve Online is a fascinating place unlike any other. And, to be serious for a minute here, I am actually truly honored by this incident. I must be doing something right.
In more positive news I exploded 2,489 ships this past year, compared to 207 losses (39 of which happened during the annual FF4A back in April). Nearly every Saturday I've been FC'ing my weekly Flying Circus Roam and participation has been great all year. Our Stay Frosty pilots have become extremely good at flying together and working as a team. I'm constantly amazed at how well they do under challenging circumstances. Plus it is always great to see talent step up and show off each week. It is one of the things I look forward to every week as the weekend rolls around. I'm still having a blast being the CEO of Stay Frosty and the executor of A Band Apart. And I remain proud of our pilots across the board. We have some amazing and talented players.
And I've been working on and releasing a lot of all new content over at my YouTube channel. Which I am very happy with and hope everyone is enjoying. I've got some new pieces in the works, including some in-depth looks at the War For New Eden board game creative coming up in the coming weeks and months, in the lead up to the release. So be sure to subscribe so you don't miss anything.
And I'll be releasing even more new artwork over at rixxjavix.com in the coming year. Now that my work on the board game is completed, I'll be able to focus on that more. I'm looking to expand the offering even more in the coming year, so keep an eye out for that.
All in all, things continue to chug along on all fronts. Finishing up the board game has left me in somewhat of a void when it comes to work out here in the real world, but I'm hopeful that will start to change in the coming year. Either that or we'll all be living through the end times.
As always, thanks for reading. And I hope to see you in space.