My Eve Session Yesterday


This image has nothing to do with my day yesterday, it was just a cool image I found. I can't even remember why I made it.

So what does a normal, middle of the week day look like when I log into Eve Online? Well, I was late logging in yesterday so I didn't have as much time as usual to play. No worries, it was Monday and Monday's are usually kind of slow anyway. The other day I had been scanning my hangar when I found a fitted Metamorphosis with nine kill-marks on it. I think this is the original Meta from way back when they were first launched. But I could be wrong. Either way, I thought I'd fly around in it and see what might happen.

A few systems away I discovered a Cerberus on scan. In a belt. I told Phoenix about it and he jumped into an Orthrus to come back me up. The Cerb was warping belt to belt looking for potential NPCs to slaughter and kept warping away before I could get close enough. A few of these and eventually he left system. So I followed along. Again, a few belt warps and then he docked up in the NPC station. We left local and hung out on the gate for a bit. See if he would undock again and then Phoenix jumped in to take a look. And while he did undock, he also left into the High Sec system next door.

Normally that would be the end of that. I couldn't follow because I had several timers running and didn't want to lose my ship to Concord. So I ended up going around. My patience was rewarded when, sure enough, he was in local on the other side. I took a guess at a belt and made the warp. Sure enough he was in a nearby belt shooting at NPCs. I think I landed about 17k from him cloaked in my Meta. I alerted Phoenix and he was already waiting on the gate next door. I moved in and managed to catch him. 

The entire sequence took almost a half-hour, but we finally caught the Cerberus.

On the way back home Phoenix managed to tackle an Endurance that was foolishly mining in a belt. And that encounter turned into a long conversation about the dangers of Low Sec and why pirates exist and why we explode ships. This one ended in a positive light, I think.

A few systems later and I discovered a Venture mining in a belt. As I've said many times before, killing Ventures is not about padding our killboards. For one thing Ventures have built-in Warp Core Stabs and we are opposed to that technology. Rather aggressively opposed. For another, you can't just let them mine freely in your space, can you? What kind of message is that? A good Venture pilot should be able to mine in peace if they know what they are doing. And how do they learn?

The real reason is to pad our killboards though. Plus, added side bonus, they often get mad and re-ship for revenge.

This one did. He re-shipped into a Myrmidon and called a buddy of his to come help him. I think they decided to camp the gates maybe? Not sure, their tactics are confounding. Either way, Phoenix and I thought this sounded fun and we re-shipped into a Deimos and Vigilant combo. Sadly the Myrm had vanished by the time we returned, but we did manage to catch his buddy in the Stratios.

And that was the end of my day. I docked up and unloaded the loot I had managed to pull.

Time to retire to the penthouse.