The 11th Annual A Band Apart Frigate Free for All will be held on Saturday, March 29th in Amamake! So plan on attending, participating, and having the absolute best time you can have in Eve Online. Young players, veterans, and players who have never, ever shot anyone before are all welcome. We'll have over 10,000 FREE Frigates (and some Dessies!) to hand out in local for everyone. You can re-ship as often as you like. For SIX HOURS!
Bring your friends, your corp mates, or just bring yourself. There will be streamers streaming and maybe even some famous CCP Devs on hand to shoot at in local. You never know what might happen during this event each year. It is the largest player-run event in Eve Online and every year we break records. So be sure to spread the word and let's see how many people we can cram into Amamake.
Ok, so Rixx - what is the FF4A?
From 16:00 until 22:00 we'll have 10,000+ ships (fully fitted) to hand out in three public citadels in Amamake - so that means you'll have tether and won't have to worry about station camping. Undock and warp off somewhere, engage in belts, outside plex, at the Sun, wherever you'd like. And if you lose your ship, which you will, simply dock back up and get another one. It really is that simple.
We run this event to introduce players to frigate PvP in a positive environment of pure chaos to show you how much fun it can be. It's insane. It's nuts. And each year something crazy happens. You might see any number of ships undock - from Orcas, to Marshals, to Revelations - you just never know. You probably won't see any officer-fitted Hels on scan, but you never really know.
All streamers and content creators are welcome to participate as always. If you want to bring along something special you can coordinate with us - or just bring it anyway. Totally up to you. Always remember there will be hundreds of ships in space at any one time, so you will most likely lose whatever you undock in. I've personally sacrificed a Nagalfar, a Marshal, and more over the years. And had a blast doing it.
We usually host the event in our home system, but this year we thought it'd be great to start moving it around so that more players can participate. And Amamake was a natural choice. Now all our friends in the Minmatar and Amarr areas can easily attend, as well as old friends from the other side of the map. Everyone is welcome. Even those who might intend more nefarious ends, seriously who cares? Just show up and see what happens. It'll be fun.
Can we break more records this year?
That is totally up to you. All I know is that our wonderful industry players in Lucifer's Hammer don't want to move these ships they built ever again - so let's make sure they all explode in glorious PvP go booms!!!
I'll be there and I hope to see you there as well. Say HI in local.