Saturday March 29th in the system of Amamake A Band Apart will be hosting the 11th Annual Frigate Free for All event and EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
From 16:00 to 22:00 Eve time (6 HOURS!) we will be handing out over 10,000 fully fitted Frigates in each of the three public Citadels in system. Simply dock up and someone will trade you ships. Undock, have fun, rinse and repeat as many times as you'd like. We've made this as simple as possible to participate. What you do after you undock is totally up to you.
This annual event has consistently broken records year after year for destruction, chaos, and fights across all of Low Security space - but our primary goal remains the same - to give any player in Eve the chance to fly a Frigate in combat for nearly zero risk. If you've never experienced large scale combat before, or even 1v1 PvP, then this event is for you. Free ships to undock and enjoy. And you never know what or who might show up in local. In the past we've had Nags, Marshals, Revelations, Orcas, Carriers, Dreads, you name it and they've been exploded - so who knows what might show up this year.
Our only rule is this - please no smartbombs. Smartbombs kill pods and dead pods mean that pilot probably won't return. We want our pilots to enjoy themselves and undock over and over again. So we will be on the hunt for rule breakers during the event. As well as pointing them out in local so hundreds of frigates can murderize them. So save yourself the trouble.
I recommend planting your med clone in system just in case. This is Eve and you never know what might happen.
This event is insane and we keep doing it every year because there are few things in Eve Online as much fun as this. If you're a veteran or this is your first time - you'll have a blast. No matter what happens, have fun doing it.
Special thanks to Deepwater Hooligans. And very special thanks to the team at Lucifer's Hammer for all the hard work putting this together in a new location for the first time. Above and beyond.
Let's Rock Amamake next Saturday and see how big we can make that circle on the map!!
Plus, you can shoot me! So see you there.