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Angor and I discussed the last post today and we both decided that forming LUCIFER'S HAMMER was worth the commitment.  We've both been in enough Corps, Alliances and other groups to know what we like and what we don't like.  So we've made the decision not to wait and to start recruiting pilots now.  

So... what does that mean?  What type of Corp is LH gonna be?  I can tell you this much right now without hesitation, both Angor and I play Eve to PLAY Eve.  We don't like bullshit, we don't care for politics, secret channels for the shiny people, ops that only a select few get to go on, or anything else that gets in the way of having fun, working hard and reaping the rewards.  We also believe that there should be no limits to what that means, so you want to mission, you want to mine, you want to pirate... we're open to anything.  Now that doesn't mean the Corp won't be focused on a prime objective, because we will.  Right now that prime objective is going to be Zero Space Raiding.  There are some very interesting things going on in certain zero space areas that we believe can be exploited.  And exploited in a huge way.

We are looking for pilots that thought the paragraph above sounded damn good.  Right now those pilots should primarily have 15+ million skill points, but that is not a hard and fast rule.  Exceptions will be made, but only based on proven track records and solid references.  Like I've said before, we aren't looking for hundreds of members, only dozens of good ones.

This is an opportunity to get in at the ground-floor and help us form something that can have an impact on the sandbox of Eve.  What that might be will be in large part up to our members.  But it is going to take patience, dedication and a commitment to make it happen.  

LH will have a strong Industrial base, so we need help with that.  We need iskies to fuel the PvP and vice versa, it's a simple formula that works and can make all of our members very wealthy.  All members, industrial or PvP focused, will have the total support of the Corp and the leadership.  My main is a PvPer and my Alt is an Industrial, the same with Angor.

If you are interested, contact Rixx Javix or Angor Mau in-game or join LUCRH HAMMER TIME channel.

More to come.