THE FRILL IS GONE: The Vagabond has been circumcised

Notice anything missing from the Vagabond?

Just a month ago I wrote a post asking CCP to be careful with the new Minnie designs.  Generally speaking they look good, especially the Rapier/Sabre/Munnin black line-up and the Rupture/Broadsword line-up. The Hurricane is blurry for some reason and looks wiped clean. But the greatest worry is what happened to the FRILL on the neck of the Vaga?

They circumcised it. In case you forget, it used to look like this:

Now you remember. As several people have pointed out, the FRILL was pretty damn silly. And it is. No doubt. But it is EXTREMELY silly and important all at the same time. I can't explain that if you don't get it, if you don't care, or otherwise have your head up your ass.

Why is it gone? What did it do to anyone? Now the Vaga and the Stabber Fleet Issue look almost exactly alike, except for the color. I thought we were trying to distinguish ships and T2 variants.

Bring it back now. Make up some excuse about code or liquor or something that sounds half-way believable and bring back the FRILL. Seriously.

Just pop it right back on there and all will be forgiven. Heck, we all make mistakes from time to time.

I'm waiting...