The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Those of you that hate me are going to enjoy this installment of The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. I've been sick the last four days, and while that gave me more time to play than usual, it also seems to have brought a feverish quality to some of my decisions. As always, I make no excuses. Things are as they are.

The Ugly

I wasn't alone. We had a rush gang going when someone noticed the Vindi undocked, so we went over the take a look. He was red so we figured, why not? I will mention here that Isadie and I go way back to my Lucifer's Hammer days, he is one of the SC minions that seem to hate me for some godless reason. I should have expected the point. And the Myx that suddenly appeared was not a surprise either. My gang got away, but obviously my Ferox exploded.

Those of you that are observant will notice the armor rig on the shield fit Ferox. I can't explain it. I never fly the Ferox, it had been sitting in the hanger a long time, so did I fit the rig or did I purchase it pre-rigged? Don't know. Either way, there it is. And so, to answer Isadie's question in local afterwards, "Yes, I will blog about it."

The Bad

I haven't flown a Corax in a long time, so I pulled it out of the hanger the other day and took another look at the fit, made some adjustments and went hunting in it. Worth a shot. I put this engagement under "Bad" simply because of who I fought. This was a good fight, but Tuskers must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel for new recruits lately. Our killboard is littered with them. Which is good.

The Good

Sometimes things just work out. Someone noticed this Mega on scan and started probing for him. We all jumped into some appropriate ships and made our way over to the system, waiting on the gate for word. Sadly, by the time we arrived the darn thing had left his mission and disappeared off scan. Oh well, you win some and you... what is that? Gate fire? Oh look who it is?  At least the Loot Fairy was nice to us.

The Good

So we're bashing POCOs in our bomber gang one day (And no, I'm not telling you anything else yet.) when suddenly the child-threatening, former Tusker Tawa Suyo appears in his Vagabond! Oh yes, we did lose a few ships, but more importantly he lost his. And because the Eve Gods are a fickle bunch with a sense of humor, guess who laid the final blow? Oh sweet justice, you take your time but when you do arrive, it is so worth the wait.

In all fairness I will mention that Tawa returned with his evil scrum gang of bandits in much better ships ( A Panther, a Scythe Fleet and a Nemesis ) and killed me. But by then it didn't matter.

The Ugly

Ever jump into a 3v1 fight fully confident you are going to win, land on grid, lock target, hotkey the guns... and then nothing else happens? Again, you know me, I don't make excuses. These guys exploded my ship and podded me. But my DD never moved, the point, web, AB, Rep, all the mods other than the guns - never turned on! I just sat there. You can tell from the damage taken that the rep never activated, 2,293 points of damage is simply not enough to kill my DD. (For comparison it usually takes twice that much, around 4,600 or so to do the job based on previous kms.)

This is the second DD and third ship in the last 30 days that I've lost to this "glitch". I lost a Hookbill last week to the same thing. I know other people are having this problem because I've asked on Twitter and in Channels.

So I'm putting a moratorium on flying my favorite ship until I have more confidence in the system.

We had some good fights and some derps the past four days, and we continue to be confused by the sheer amount of cloaking and stabbing going on around us. Tuskers aren't logging on any more and the few that do have moved far away, leaving us with a few scrubs. Things are always interesting around the area and I continue to encourage our pilots to spread out and seek adventure far and wide.

What will happen next? Let's undock and find out, shall we?