As Stay Frosty approaches its first birthday, it is time to make some changes. Now that Lucifer's Hammer has found a home in HS, and MATH is settling into its cozy new WH, one of those changes is for SF to move into a new HQ. We will be leaving our office in Hevrice and in Gultraten open, but we've moved our base of operations over the past few days.
We've been in Hevrice for a year. It has served its purpose. In fact, it has served many purposes since the day I warped over to the other station and planted the Stay Frosty flag in Station VI. Nearly 400 pilots have passed thru our doors since that day, and nearly 250 remain, the vast majority of those no longer with us remain good friends, trusted frenemies, or valuable sources.
Why move? You really should be asking, why would a pirate corporation NOT move? Staying in the same place promotes stagnation, idleness and boredom. New Eden is a big place and, while we encourage our pilots to fly wherever they want, it helps to engender a certain spirit in the soul to just pick up and plant your flag somewhere else for a change. Time to shake the cobwebs, visit new lands, meet new people and explode their ships. It is time to spread out a bit.
It is no secret why we started in Hevrice. My entire Eve career has been built on flying towards danger zones, not away from them. From the time I first flew into Null Space as a two-week old, I have flown into War Zone after War Zone on purpose. Joining wars, leading wars, invading, retreating, invading again. Causing trouble. Hevrice was the worst possible place to start a brand new Pirate corp, and many people felt the need to tell me that over the past year. It was the worst place, which is exactly why I did it. There are those that always felt it had something to do with them, and it never did. Their own egos won't allow them to think differently. They also felt the need to Station Camp, Gate Camp, War Dec, and often deploy more link alts than actual pilots. And yet, strangely enough, Stay Frosty continued to thrive. We have more pilots now than ever before. (Hard to reconcile these things, isn't it?)
Yes, many of those people will take this opportunity to try and spin this move. I'm sure many of them will be popping up in the comments below. Believe me, I understand. Rixx is not a normal person, he doesn't operate in the way you would like him to operate, he doesn't act normal, react normal, or fall into any category that makes it easy to label. He just keeps on doing the weird thing. He just won't stay dead. He is such a wanker.
All of that is true by the way. I've never claimed any different. I am terrible at Eve. I am a wanker. Please pay no attention to me. But I will continue to do what I think is the hardest thing to do. I will continue to fly towards danger and not away from it. I will continue to find the worst place to be, and fly over there. Because that is where adventure lies.
As for Stay Frosty, we have bigger plans. And, in order to achieve those plans, we need a new place to call home for awhile. Gotta keep the blood flowing, put new challenges in front of us, shake the dust from our wings, and get down to the business at hand.
It is an extremely exciting time for us. And the perfect time for you to join in and have a blast Staying Frosty!
So get those apps in, recruitment remains (as always) open.