Crow UltraHD Wallpaper

Crow UltraHD Wallpaper
Click to download various sizes

It's Monday and I have nothing to talk about. I had very little Eve time this weekend so I thought I'd just post another piece of art I've been working on. This and the Crucifier are the latest ship illustrations in the pipeline, mostly I was working out some new techniques with them to see how they worked. I'm very pleased with the results so far.

I'm hopeful that we can continue to expand the offerings beyond just posters and develop some additional products. I have several ideas along those lines. Last week I posted a quick mock-up of one of them, laptop stickers.

In case you missed it or are not on Tweetfleet:

I have a feeling these would be very popular. Again, this is just a quick mock-up that I threw together. But I imagine the Tristan over the glow of the Apple logo would be pretty Boss.

I have other ideas as well, but one thing at a time.

Fingers crossed.