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In May of this year Stay Frosty will be five years old. In about two weeks or less from now this amazing casual Pirate Corporation will pass 100,000 kills according to zKill. Our membership, which usually hovers around 300 pilots, has seen about 2,000 pilots pass thru its doors over the past half-decade. For a dream that has been threatened, harassed, hunted, demeaned, scoffed at, and many times was predicted to fail or die in a fire - these are some impressive milestones.
Lately, with these events on the horizon, I've been thinking about another aspect that is more difficult to determine. It isn't about stats or numbers, but more about the legacy that this group has left in its wake. The pilots who stay obviously continue to influence events and create content across all of New Eden, but those that leave also take a piece of us with them wherever they go. Our friends and former pilots are spread all across New Eden, in fact, you may be flying with one of them today. They also tend to start their own groups, or organize their own content because of what they learned while in our Corporation.
Over the years Stay Frosty has also become a safe-haven for many of Eve's "celebrity" players and an incubator for new ideas and concepts. Mynxee was a member and Signal Cartel was born out of that experience, as have many others. Stay Frosty was, in many ways, the harbinger of a new wave of content-creator led groups within New Eden. We helped set the stage for not only Signal Cartel but the Max Singularity led Sixth Empire as well. I'm sure there are others that I am forgetting. I know that dozens of other pirate corporations have sprang from our former members as an example.
I'd like to believe, more than anything else, that the attitude I've engendered in this great corporation and our alliance A Band Apart, has influenced and encouraged others as well. I like to believe that because that is what I hear constantly from strangers in the game. Not from people on social media, or Slack/Discord, or Reddit, but from those that fly in space. I am constantly hearing directly from players in space, or in Eve Mail, how Stay Frosty has inspired, influenced, or changed the way they play the game. And more than anything else, those moments inspire me to continue.
And what exactly is that attitude? Stay Frosty is an old-school Pirate corporation based on KaJolo's original thoughts regarding a Pirate Code of Conduct for New Eden. Essentially my interpretation of that spirit is what drives Stay Frosty every single day. Respect for your fellow pilots. A passion for PvP excellence. Adherence to your Word and your Honor. And a devil may care attitude towards every other aspect of Eve Online. We don't care about our killboard, no one is judged on performance, or kills, or losses. No is forced to do anything. Our recruitment is always open to any player, and has been since day one. If you want to lead, lead. If you want to follow, follow. If you want to lurk in Null Sec solo for three years, then feel free. If you have a crazy idea, we'll try it. Nothing is off the table except for two things: We don't steal from Blues and the only blues we have are our Alliance mates. And our word is our honor, 1v1s and ransoms are respected. That's it.
Right now we are in the very early stages of planning our next run at the Alliance Tournament. If any of the above interests you and you'd like to be an important part of a winning team that isn't aligned with any Blue Donuts (and honestly doesn't even know what that is), then consider joining one of our Alliance Corporations. All of which essentially operate in the same spirit as Stay Frosty. We finished 15th two years ago, and 12th last year, and we plan on making an even deeper run this coming year. You can be a part of that effort and help ensure we make it.
Otherwise, join Stay Frosty and get your Yarrr on!
Or end up on the wrong side of the targeting reticle.