Raitaru Down


Yesterday I logged into Eve for another day of roaming and good fights. But I quickly realized that something else was going on. Next door to our home system someone had discovered a Low Sec static and inside that Wormhole was an anchoring Raitaru. The timer couldn't have been better and would pop in about an hour. Plenty of time to scout the system, set-up a fleet and take advantage of the situation.

An unexpected, but certainly welcome distraction. And it is, as always, amazing how quickly our pilots leap into action. We had a fleet up and even before I jumped into comms plans were already moving forward. The hole had been probed and bookmarks already made. Mobile bubbles were being deployed around the entrance and a lot of intel was already being gathered. We had no idea yet what or who these people might be and what forces they might have at hand. In any situation like this, the unknown is what drives you crazy. The more we can learn, and as quickly as possible, the better we can plan.

None of which is unusual of course. We learned that the core was destroyed earlier while being transported, so they might not have another one handy. And the only ship we'd seen so far was an Imicus being piloted by a day old character - who was obviously an alt. But for who and what? It was entirely possible this was just as it appeared and this was an effort by a four man corporation. But it is rare for things to be as they seem in Eve, so we stayed on our toes.

I jumped into my arty Loki and sat above the entrance nestled between the multiple bubbles. We had scattered cans around to help deal with cloakers and our forces were spread out nicely. Now it was simply a question of waiting and being prepared for whatever might happen next.

Sadly not much happened. The Imicus tried several times to get out and even managed once to successfully land on the entrance and escape into Low Sec. He didn't survive the return trip though. Other than that, not much happened. We kept getting short hits on potential ships in space, but nothing significant. It was starting to become clear that this might be as simple as it appeared.

Structures that anchor before the core is installed are not hard to bring down. And the Raitaru was no exception. I think I only expended one load of ammunition into it before it exploded.

After that we discovered a few more ships in local, but they quickly vanished. Sadly. No good fights ensued.

Truly a case of horrible bad luck for these guys, whoever they might be.