I ran for CSM because I love Eve Online.
I ran to win.
I did not run to win at all cost.
I ran as an independent on purpose.
Because I am an independent.
I did not ask for Null Bloc support, even though I was aware it might cost me the election.
I don't want major Null Bloc support.
I would not accept it if it was offered.
That is my choice.
If I was going to win it would be on my own terms, with support from players who wanted a person they could trust on the CSM without strings attached.
I did not win.
That's fine.
I hoped I would, but I did not expect to. I'm a rational and intelligent human being.
I actually did better than anticipated.
It was an awesome experience.
I learned a lot. I'm happy I ran.
I tried sharing some of those learnings this week.
I announced early on that if I didn't win this time that I would not be running again. I said that many times.
If I did win, I also said I would only serve two terms.
This is NOT news.
I am not running again. As promised.
If I had won I would have served with all my energy and effort.
I will continue to fight for what I believe in.
I do not understand why this is hard for some people to understand.
Thank you.